Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kitchen Renovations

Yes, we are renovating our kitchen. I know it will look awesome and it will put value into our house, but it SUCKS!! It is a messy, dusty, dirty, unorganized, crowded, confined, long, so very long process. I shouldn't complain, its been what I always wanted and Real is being patient and working hard. Carpentry is not part of Real's fortay, but he is learning, we both are learning a lot, mostly of what not to do. So if anyone wants to renovate their kitchen, call us and we will tell you what Not to do.

For example, do not:
*call the permit guy
*get your Ikea kitchen shipped (its cheaper for everyone to drive down and bring it up yourself)
*start renovating without a back-up cooking station
*live at home during the reno
*pack up your whole kitchen (get rid of stuff when you can)
*get a new puppy just before you renovate because you might have to pay a $900 vet bill if she breaks her leg
*do your income taxes during the reno
*move everything into your living room
*leave your furniture uncovered, actually anything uncovered

Here are some pictures of the beginning of our reno and some before shots.


christina said...

Good blog !

Anonymous said...

hey thats a great picture, I think that I took it. Looks fun